
Thereisa2*MichelinStarrestaurantlocatedinsideandgreatsushirestauranttooStaffareveryhelpfulandfriendlyRoomsarebig(38sqm)andcleanThe ...,酒店評價.--Agoda提供來自泰國曼谷曼谷維伊酒店-美憬閣酒店【SHA+】(VIEHotelBangkok-MGallery)的真實住客們對該間星級酒店的客觀,公正,且真實的評價.,There'salotofgreathotelsinbangkokandVIEhotelisoneofourfavorites.Thehotelmodernbutremainsclassy,welovethehighceilingsandd...

VIE Hotel Bangkok - MGallery

There is a 2* Michelin Star restaurant located inside and great sushi restaurant too Staff are very helpful and friendly Rooms are big (38 sqm) and clean The ...


酒店評價. -- Agoda 提供來自泰國曼谷曼谷維伊酒店-美憬閣酒店【SHA+】 (VIE Hotel Bangkok - MGallery)的真實住客們對該間星級酒店的客觀, 公正, 且真實的評價.

VIE Hotel Bangkok - MGallery

There's a lot of great hotels in bangkok and VIE hotel is one of our favorites. The hotel modern but remains classy, we love the high ceilings and decors.

VIE Hotel Bangkok - MGallery

This hotel is located one stop after Siam. It is close to temples by tuk tuk around the palace and China town areas. We had a suite which offered a lot of space ...


若房費不含早餐,大人只須額外支付766 THB,就能享用早餐。 您可以透過Agoda預訂含早餐的房型,不但不用擔心早餐,還可以輕鬆省下一筆,因為通常到飯店再加購會 ...


位於曼谷市的美憬閣曼谷VIE酒店提供新潮的住宿,走路到披耶泰BTS輕軌站一下子就到。 這間具有現代感的飯店附設各種不同的設施,包括室外游泳池、按摩浴缸和蒸氣浴。